Tantric meditation. Individual session of tantric meditation.
Experience a gentle dive into the world of holistic relaxation through yoga nidra with Chaja.Yoga Nidra is a Tantric meditation technique that is composed of different phases and works on the subconscious level bringing you into a state between awakeness and sleepiness. It very quickly offers a physical, mental and emotional state of relaxation: one that goes beyond the experience of sleep! In fact, a half hour class can replace two hours of sleep. The session always starts with a Kaya Stairyham: a meditation posture to create full awareness of our physical bodies in order to release them.

Chaja van Boesschoten
Most likely without realising it, Chaja has always known that there should be more to life than what she was presented with and how she was raised. Essentially, she is no different from anyone else; every person has this possibility and should grab the opportunity to discover their qualities and potentials. And for Chaja that has broadened her vision of life, her connection to her inner world and breath. It has allowed her to live in full awareness and to create, through YOGA. Layers of particular traumatic experiences have left their imprint on her, but it has become very clear to her, mainly through yoga, that they do not have to contain her, that they no longer have to construct her body and that they no longer have to influence her behaviours and reactions. It is a beautiful and interesting experience to get beyond the physical body and even the mind to not be or remain captured by repetition, pain, anger, stubbornness, anxieties, etc. At any time, it is important to clean from the inside, to connect to your inner self, to stimulate energy, to disconnect from the outer world and to stimulate your immune system. Create big(ger) and feel the light and energy streaming through your being. With a professional background in international communication and knowledge of different languages and cultural awareness, it is interesting to see how she can bring these qualities together with her Hatha yoga teachings that touch upon Kundalini yoga.

A yoga nidra session includes one or two physical postures (asanas) in connection with your breath to release your body. After that you can enjoy this effortless meditation technique while lying on the floor keeping yourself warm with comfortable clothes and blankets. The sessions can be taken privately or in a group, however the Full Moon sessions will be stronger collectively as the Full Moon energy gives us a great opportunity to have a deeper inward connection, to recreate and to go into a deeper calm state. The Hatha yoga part will even include the Moon Salutations guided with the moon mantras. Depending upon the level of the participant(s), a Yoga Nidra session can go deeper into breath awareness and experience, explore a mantra or even the chakras. One session will be 60 – 90 minutes. Book a yoga nidra session as a treat for yourself to enter a deep relaxation or for regular practice to gain more insight. Or give it as a special present to a beloved one or book it with friends together, especially during the evening of the Full Moon. Find the dates for the Full Moon sessions here.
When our physical bodies can be stable and solid, there is space to observe the fluctuations of our minds. Fluctuations that can be stilled through a deeper connection to our breath. Our breath is our guide and she contains so much intelligence and possibilities! Yoga Nidra massages the brain and stimulates deeper awareness which could lead to navigating through some of life’s harshest moments with the aim to stimulate a transformation from within. Therefore, a Sankalpa is hugely important. As Yoga Nidra is part of Hatha yoga, yogis tend to have a Sankalpa for a longer period. A Sankalpa is a positive resolution, an internal commitment, in very clear and simple words to reform habits and create change within your being. You can create a Sankalpa in particular for your Yoga Nidra session. Yoga Nidra increases your vitality and energy level, it stimulates a better and sharper memory and it keeps depressions at bay. Scientific research has tapped into this ancient meditation practice to find out more about its healing effects both on short and long term.