I love to shape things since I was a little child. The materials found in my house were the base to trying to give other identity and new aesthetic to objects. The only purpose was the beauty that gave me a peaceful state of heart and mind.
My artistic path is a bit tortuous. I took a degree in economy in 1998 and immediately after I went to the art furniture school of Bovolone (VR).
In the early 2000s I worked in different carpentry workshops in Veneto and Lombardy, trying to learn the techniques of woodworking; then I founded Sensitive to Wood. Since 2009, I design and I make, mainly for Clab4design, but also for other companies, furniture and furnishings, between art and design, widely reported by press and blogs.My creations are exhibited in Milan, London, Amsterdam, New York, Miami, Eindhoven, Feldkirch, Rome.